December 21, 2016  BY Jones   (1995)
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"What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?"- Psalm 116:12

Christmas rings bells of family. Ties made by blood they say. But the first Christmas had additional ties not made by blood. Kings and shepherds Dad and mum all huddled around Christ. As the year 2016 draws to a close, I want us all to thank the Lord Almighty for His Mercy and Grace that sustained us through the turbulences of 2016.

God has been good to us as an association; we achieved a lot by the strong bond of Unity and Sense of Purpose that existed between us. So we are Family tied up around God and The School. Families disagree, offend but remain family. So we forgive and spread our love song that binds us all together. HAPPY ARE WE. So this Christmas presents us with the opportunity to celebrate Christ and each other. And a prayer that next year will see us taking greater strides towards raising our family higher and making our school greater.  
With the present light we have we believe more light of glory will become ours as WE TRUDGE ALONG TO HAPPY VICTORY. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all ODADEE. God bless.

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