The E-Library Dream: 93 Odadees take first steps

 November 8, 2016  BY Jones   (1995)
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All roads lead to Silver Star on Nov 11th 2016 for the Jam of the year. Put on your dancing shoes and come show your skills. All in aid of new E-Library.

The E-Library project will help fulfill one of our cardinal objectives this year. When year groups stand up to take their places among the "DO-ERS" and not just "TALK-ERS" in the fraternity it gives a calm assurance of men and not boys. We can then loudly say We CAME to Presec, We SAW the state of our school and the needs presented, and We by our talk and actions CONQUERED the challenges we saw. Let's help all year groups undertaking project with our cash or kind and let's support what they do to raise capital for the pending project. 93ers are on the roll to help with the E-Library. Let's support them. I recommend that YEAR groups help. Please participate and encourage your mates to do so.


YES WE CAN. Silver star calls on the 11/11/16. Please be there!!

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