2016 – “Onward we march to happy Victory”
Message from the President, Rev. Dr. Ebenezer S. M. Markwei
Fellow Odadee
We just saw the closure of a year. I guess that came with the best, the good, the bad, and of course the ugly. We celebrated and we sighed, as we sang over the caskets of pillars in the various bereaved year groups. I choose to major on the celebrations. Last year saw the fraternity take some serious and deadly steps towards the realization of our goals.
Fraternity: Visible, Vibrant and Viable
Fraternity Strength: harnessed towards projects both 'software and hardware'
The pleasant thoughts surround landmark achievements like: THE SUCCESSFUL ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL, THE FAMOUS BONFIRE AND FIREWORKS NIGHT and THE BRILLIANT AND HUGE AMC. We celebrate the various year groups that helped put the pieces of these together. 05ers and 90ers. We doff our hearts to them and all who added their shoulders to these projects. No doubt these have come to stay and we are grateful to God. There are massive projects that are still in the embryonic stages, and these, I believe will be fully birthed this year God willing. No doubt there were things that ought to have been done that wasn't and things that shouldn't have been done that were done. I of course take full responsibility. Hindsight is always impressive than insight or foresight because it's been done already. So armed with fresh hindsight we look to the year ahead. In every Odadee lies a passion some overt and others covert. Properly managed passions is surely a mark of maturity, whereas lack of proper management drifts towards chaos. Before us lies massive infrastructural demands of the school in both software and hardware categories. Some directly geared towards the school and others towards the fraternity. In both, if by grace all achieved, the benefits sits at our doorstep. And the thrill of satiation will surely place us all on a high.
Houses to be renovated, Dining hall to be renovated, New Science block, new admin block, sports hall, gatehouse, food court and a fully functional AMC. Teachers block of flats, new houses to ease accommodation, Endowment Fund and an overwhelming desire to make Presec globally recognized as the highest second cycle institution in Africa. I recognize my limitations but I'm confident that, there are people out there who have the strength to come along and join us as we trudge along to happy victory. Bonfire reloaded lurks with the USA, 06ers are getting ready to hit us with the family fun games and bonfire night, various year groups are asking what they can do. Our doors are always open and we seek to engage all stakeholders in respectful dialogue in accordance with our maxim 'for Christian training we get a sure solid foundation'. We are not totally the bastions of all wisdom and so is everyone, hence our open door policy. We hope this will be respected and not subject to abuse.
Fellow Odadees, we have limited time to impact the next generation of presecans in our quest to provide world class high school experience for them. It can be done, it must be done and must be done Now..... Let's continue to excel this year, with the Christian training we have, a strong solid foundation, and take our rightful places in the future of our School, Church and Country.
in lumine tuo Videbimus Lumen!