How to make your profile work for your career.

 October 15, 2015  BY Alfred   (1995)
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Whether you have just finished school, looking for a new Job or looking for new opportunities, your Odadee profile and its features will soon open up opportunities for your career and business. is really a professional networking site, and will one day become an essential networking tool for Odadee's around the world. Its time to set up your profile properly and position your self for the next opportunity.

1.Promote your brand.

Once you sign up change your profile picture in the edit profile options.add your business and contact information so Odadee's can find you and know what you have been up to. The advantage you have by using this platform for networking is that its very specific and only accessible to Presecans.

2. Share Your Story

You can now post an article,a story,blog post or even a picture about your business,and it will instantly be viewed by thousands of Odadee's instantly!, by clicking on the "share your story" button on the Alumini  dashboard. If you are business minded (like me and certain other bald Akro House Boys), I don't need to say more (just don't be like me, check your spelling and grammar before you publish, there are some users who only observe and point out others mistakes). :-)

3. Start a Project

A project on could be anything,maybe you have a business idea and you are looking for partners,or you want to team up with your year group to solve a one of the numerous challenges faced by the school. The platform allows you to create a project share your idea upload notes/files/pictures and get funding for your cause.

finally here is a list of core Dashboard features - 

  1. Site wide news feed visible to all users
  2. Events dashboard for creating and adding events
  3. Payment module for making donations
  4. registered user directory that allows you to filter by house, year group, profession
  5. User Forum for starting conversations
  6. Email messaging to all users
  7. Geo location map of all users 

We are always looking for ways to improve the user experience send your suggestions to me directly by clicking on this link . Happy networking!

Alfred Opare Saforo, is a Freelance developer based in London, you can find out more about Alfy by visiting his portfolio.

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