Looking back at several years, when we thronged the corridors of our schools with sheer innocence of what phase of life it was; yet we abounded with such blatant expectation of our new life’s unfolding. Curiosity tickled us, as we were driven by the nerve to explore and experiment, to interact and exchange, to dare and to impress our peers. We all remember days in school when we shuddered at the sight of seniors, and coiled into our innocent shells, to gain their favors. Other days brought us joy and happiness when peers gathered to share, compete, impress, tease and show each other our very true selves. The days of atuale, ashika, shiiwaga, shiiopre, mangoase, dorma, Afghanistan, kye pavement and apaioooo are forever etched in our memories. Our final days in school were filled with academic zeal and seriousness and for most of us, we dreaded the thought of leaving our wonderful friends, to pursue our new lives. The bonds and strong ties we had made will live forever. We had put aside our differences, rich or poor, smart or dumb, tall or short, and we held on to the spirit of oneness - the bond of brotherliness, spirit-hood and one fate. These point true to the saying that, ‘I AM, BECAUSE WE ARE”. History is replete with records and praiseworthy reports of what formidable team ties have achieved in Sports, Entertainment, Politics, Academics and Business. There is no doubt that we will achieve beyond our expectations, if we are able to come together as one people, one vision, one fate, and one destiny. It behooves us therefore as old students, to unite, putting our interests aside and pursuing a common goal, a shared identity and a greater Spirit of Oneness. Our lives will become richer, filled with pride that we belong to a fraternity of champions who aim for the best, strive for perfection and aspire to achieve its full potential. Let us therefore unite and collectively aim to serve, and lift the banner of our alma mater higher. Let us be the envy of many, the glory of the land, and the pride of our founding fathers, as we embrace oneness, for IN UNITY LIES STRENGTH. Join us as we pledge allegiance to our alma mater once more on the 9th of October, 2015 at 6:00pm at the Presec Campus, Legon to celebrate The Odadee Torch and Bonfire Night. In the effervescent spirit of our joyous anthem, we cheer, “Oh come along and join us! Happy! Studious! Are we! The Old Boys Association.